Annual conference on EU Civil Service Law - 2024
Since 2012, EIPA’s European Centre for Judges and Lawyers (ECJL) in
Luxembourg has held annual conferences on the theme ‘European Union Civil
Service Law’. These events have been a great success and attract the
enthusiasm of many participants, including judges from the General Court,
legal representatives of the European institutions, university professors
and lawyers specialised in this field every year. In light of this, EIPA
wishes to repeat the experience by organising the 14th Annual Conference.
This will be an occasion to explore some of the recent developments in both
substantive and procedural law.
The conference is geared towards civil servants and officials of the EU
institutions, bodies and agencies who are responsible for legal aspects of
human resources management; members of trade unions of the EU institutions;
lawyers specialised in EU civil service litigation; national experts of
civil service law; as well as officials of international, non-EU
organisations who are responsible for staff matters.
Annual conference on EU Civil Service Law - 2024 (open)
Since 2012, EIPA’s European Centre for Judges and Lawyers (ECJL) in
Luxembourg has held annual conferences on the theme ‘European Union Civil
Service Law’. These events have been a great success and attracted the
enthusiasm of many participants, including judges from the European Union
Civil Service Tribunal (now defunct) and General Court, legal
representatives of the European institutions, university professors and
lawyers specialised in this field. In light of this, EIPA wishes to repeat
the experience by organising the 11th Annual Conference. This will be an
occasion to explore some of the recent developments in both substantive and
procedural law.
The aim of the conference is twofold. First, to inform participants about
recent developments in the case law of the General Court. This will include
looking in more detail at specific issues regarding civil service
litigation in the EU, including those which are currently on the agenda.
Second, to provide scope for a debate and a critical assessment of this
case law among the key actors concerned, namely judges, lawyers and staff
of the institutions.
EU Law for Non-Lawyers
Fundamental Rights in the European Union: Main Principles and Contemporary Challenges
Action for Annulment (Advanced): Procedural Aspects and Strategies
Annual conference on EU Civil Service law
Since 2012, EIPA’s European Centre for Judges and Lawyers (ECJL) in
Luxembourg has held annual conferences on the theme ‘European Union Civil
Service Law’. These events have been a great success and attracted the
enthusiasm of many participants, including judges from the European Union
Civil Service Tribunal (now defunct) and General Court, legal
representatives of the European institutions, university professors and
lawyers specialised in this field. In light of this, EIPA wishes to repeat
the experience by organising the 11th Annual Conference. This will be an
occasion to explore some of the recent developments in both substantive and
procedural law.
The aim of the conference is twofold. First, to inform participants about
recent developments in the case law of the General Court. This will include
looking in more detail at specific issues regarding civil service
litigation in the EU, including those which are currently on the agenda.
Second, to provide scope for a debate and a critical assessment of this
case law among the key actors concerned, namely judges, lawyers and staff
of the institutions.
Annual conference on Recent Trends in the Case Law of the CJEU - Special edition EIPA Luxembourg 30th Anniversary
During this annual event, we will be reviewing and commenting on a number
of key judicial decisions issues by the Court of Justice of the European
Unio (CJEU) during the past 12 months. These judicial decisions offer a
first interpretation on certain EU legal instruments, give a new meaning to
existing legal rules, or they adapt or re-examine past jurisprudence.
The program of this special 30th Anniversary Edition will feature a number
of key decisions in the field of the Rule of Law and the independence of
the judiciary (the conditionality regulation), the configuration of the EU
legal system, EU procedural law, EU citizenship (and the consequences of
Brexit) and fundamental EU law principles (state liability and the
principle of _ne bis in idem_).
It will also present an analysis of major recent judgements on substantive
EU law matters such as free movement of persons (children of same sex
couples), EU competition policy (dominant position and exclusionary
practices), data protection and digital governance and EU consumer
protection laws. The program will be completed with a discussion of the
Court’s most recent rulings in the various facets of the area of freedom
of security and justice: immigration (detention cases), and judicial
cooperation in civil matters (concept of habitual residence). Moreover, the
recent case-law on the review of legality EU external sanctions will be
Finally, as a particular feature of this 30th anniversary edition, the
conference will offer the occasion to ponder on the evolution of the
caselaw of the Court in four particular sessions dealing respectively with
the judicial enforcement of EU law over Member States, competition, the
European Arrest Warrant and free movement of persons.
EU Law for Non-Lawyers: Advanced
EU Law Resources on the Web - Finding the EU Info You Need in a Couple of Clicks
The official website of the European Union ( is the biggest
digital portal on the net. It is also the point of entry to an immense
plethora of digital resources for professionals working with the EU,
economic operators who want to pursue business in the EU, citizens and
consumers living and working in the EU and academics and scholars
researching about the EU. Moreover, a countless number of other websites
(either free or commercial) have flourished over the years augmenting even
more the information offer ready to be accessed.
This hands-on, practical and interactive online course has as an aim to
provide its audience with a chart on the most useful and practical EU
information resources, and demonstrate to them which tools to use to
quickly obtain official documents, publications, statistics, open data and
legal information about EU, how to intervene in EU consultations and
express and voice interests in the making of EU legislation and how to
find about funding opportunities provided by the EU and apply to projects
and public contracts.
EU Law Resources Online - Find the EU Info You Need in a Couple of Clicks
European Union Civil Service Law
Fundamental Rights in the European Union: Main Principles and Contemporary Challenges
How to ensure compliance with EU law approximation requirements
Based on a summary of what are the legal instruments adopted by the EU and
what needs to be done when implementing EU legal acts at the national
level, this course will provide practical experiences on how to plan,
organise and ensure timely and correct implementation of EU law at the
national level. It will also provide an overview of various policies and
initiatives by the European Commission and EU Agencies aiming to support
the Member States in their endeavours.
As regards the latter, the course will illustrate the link between the
European Commission’s Better Regulation agenda with practical initiatives
by the European Commission and EU Agencies such as support with
implementation plans, guidance documents, toolboxes, training and exchanges
of good practices in practice groups of national officials. Also, an
example of operational support offered to Member States lacking resources
to deal with extraordinary workloads will be shared.
Finally, we will share with you various tools being developed in various
Member States in their implementation efforts in the future such as digital
and AI tools aiding the translation of EU legal acts, planning the
transposition of EU legal acts, drafting national legal acts and managing
stakeholder consultations.
This course is developed and delivered with the support of LuxDev and the
Luxembourg Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs.
How to Plead Successfully before the EU Courts: Course on the Annulment Action and Pleading skills
Introduction to EU Asylum and Migration Law
The course addresses two complementary areas of EU law. Firstly, it
explains the policy considerations and legal concepts related to asylum law
as developed in the EU’s Common European Asylum System (CEAS). Secondly,
the course addresses other aspects of the European Union’s Area of
Freedom, Security and Justice relevant for understanding EU migration law
in the broader sense. (Schengen, human smuggling, regular migration of
third country nationals). The training will explain the challenges of
policy formulation and regulation of asylum matters, and it is within this
context that the course will address the EU’s difficulties in responding
to the large-scale movements of 2015-2016, as well as the EU’s approach
to tackling the recent Ukrainian ‘refugee crisis’. A look at the New
Pact on Migration and Asylum will reveal if it can serve as a new start.
The much broader questions about the EU’s future, identity and
responsibility will also be addressed.
Introduction to EU Asylum and Migration Law
The course addresses two complementary areas of EU law. Firstly, it
explains the policy considerations and legal concepts related to ASYLUM
LAW as developed in the EU’s Common European Asylum System (CEAS).
Secondly, the course addresses other aspects of the European Union’s Area
of Freedom, Security and Justice relevant for understanding EU MIGRATION
LAW in the broader sense. (Schengen, human smuggling, regular migration of
third country nationals). The training will explain the challenges of
policy formulation and regulation of asylum matters, and it is within this
context that the course will address the EU’s difficulties in responding
to the large-scale movements of 2015-2016, as well as the EU’s approach
to tackling the recent Ukrainian ‘refugee CRISIS’. A look at the NEW
PACT ON MIGRATION AND ASYLUM will reveal if it can serve as a new start.
The much broader questions about the EU’s future, identity and
responsibility will also be addressed.
Procedures and strategies of litigation before the CJEU
This highly practical course will provide with a sophisticated
understanding of the procedures of the Court of Justice of the European
Union (CJEU). Knowledge on the CJEU’s practices and case law is
quintessential to successfully litigate before the Court.
Through practical examples and case-law discussions you will learn the
insights of the actions to be entertained before the Court of Justice of
the European Union.
Enhance your knowledge on the CJEU, the procedures before the CJEU, its
internal rules, language regime, handling of documents, appeals and interim
The European Arrest Warrant – An Essential Update for Practitioners
The European Arrest Warrant (EAW) is the seminal instrument in the field of
EU judicial cooperation in criminal matters. It is widely used and has
proved to be an efficient tool in accelerating the execution of warrants
and surrender procedures in cross-border criminal cases within the EU. At
the same time, the EAW still poses a number of issues – mostly related to
fundamental rights protection – that Member States find difficult to
accommodate in their respective legal systems and especially towards their
obligation to respect fundamental rights. It is in this context that the
course will map out the operational success of the EAW and discuss the
fundamental rights concerns, in particular regarding detention conditions
and fair trials rights, pertinent to the application of the EAW.
The objective of the course is to make legal practitioners aware of the
current challenges that not only affect the daily administration of
surrender procedures, but erode the basic premise of cooperation based on
mutual trust and mutual recognition. Participants will understand:
* what steps to take if concerns over detention conditions arise in the
course of administering an EAW;
* how to deal with an issuing authority if its judicial nature is in doubt
or its independence is questionable;
* how to accommodate EAWs with a view to requests from third countries,
parallel and previous procedures.