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During this annual event, we will be reviewing and commenting on a number of key judicial decisions issues by the Court of Justice of the European Unio (CJEU) during the past 12 months. These judicial decisions offer a first interpretation on certain EU legal instruments, give a new meaning to existing legal rules, or they adapt or re-examine past jurisprudence.

The program of this special 30th Anniversary Edition will feature a number of key decisions in the field of the Rule of Law and the independence of the judiciary (the conditionality regulation), the configuration of the EU legal system, EU procedural law, EU citizenship (and the consequences of Brexit) and fundamental EU law principles (state liability and the principle of ne bis in idem).

It will also present an analysis of major recent judgements on substantive EU law matters such as free movement of persons (children of same sex couples), EU competition policy (dominant position and exclusionary practices), data protection and digital governance and EU consumer protection laws. The program will be completed with a discussion of the Court’s most recent rulings in the various facets of the area of freedom of security and justice: immigration (detention cases), and judicial cooperation in civil matters (concept of habitual residence). Moreover, the recent case-law on  the review of legality EU external sanctions will be analysed. 

Finally, as a particular feature of this 30th anniversary edition, the conference will offer the occasion to ponder on the evolution of the caselaw of the Court in four particular sessions dealing respectively with the judicial enforcement of EU law over Member States, competition, the European Arrest Warrant and free movement of persons. 

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