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Based on a summary of what are the legal instruments adopted by the EU and what needs to be done when implementing EU legal acts at the national level, this course will provide practical experiences on how to plan, organise and ensure timely and correct implementation of EU law at the national level. It will also provide an overview of various policies and initiatives by the European Commission and EU Agencies aiming to support the Member States in their endeavours.

As regards the latter, the course will illustrate the link between the European Commission’s Better Regulation agenda with practical initiatives by the European Commission and EU Agencies such as support with implementation plans, guidance documents, toolboxes, training and exchanges of good practices in practice groups of national officials. Also, an example of operational support offered to Member States lacking resources to deal with extraordinary workloads will be shared.

Finally, we will share with you various tools being developed in various Member States in their implementation efforts in the future such as digital and AI tools aiding the translation of EU legal acts, planning the transposition of EU legal acts, drafting national legal acts and managing stakeholder consultations.

This course is developed and delivered with the support of LuxDev and the Luxembourg Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs.

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