Enrolment options

·         How can an impact assessment (IA) system be developed or how can an IA system be optimised?

·         How can you assess the effectiveness and efficiency of policy proposals?

·         How can you ensure high-quality ex ante impact assessments?

·         How can you use an impact assessment as a supporting tool for decision-making?

This online course will answer all the above questions and specifically, it will enhance your ability to design, manage and communicate the results of ex ante IAs conducted by your organisation. 

Learn how to ensure high-quality ex ante IAs. First, gain a good understanding of the needs and uses of ex ante impact assessments. Enhance your knowledge and skills in the main methods used in IAs (e.g. cost–benefit analysis). Gain insight into good practices through the lessons learned from implementation of the better regulation guidelines and toolbox. Importantly, learn about how to ensure the quality of your IAs through lessons learned from the EC as well as MSs. Finally, gain an overview of what happens after the IA is published and how IAs can influence the next steps in policymaking.
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