webinar starts with a short introductory component which will sketch the
fundamental aspects of the EU legal system. It will also describe and comment the
concept, features and legal impact on state administrations of the EU legal
instruments which are part of it. These legal instruments are precisely the
output of the various EU decision-making procedures which will be described in
the subsequent, and core, part of the webinar.
The fundamental aim of
the core of this webinar is to provide its participants with an introduction to
the EU institutional system and to equip them with a framework for
understanding how decisions are taken at EU level.
It outlines the different powers which have been given to the EU, and
the post-Lisbon system of legislative, delegated, implementing and other acts.
The main institutional actors are presented as well as the different phases in
the legislative cycle. It also looks at policy areas in which the EU does not
operate through legally binding instruments.
- Trainer: Juan Diego Ramirez-Cardenas