Competitive Dialogue and Negotiated Procedures Master Class (29-30 June 2021)
This very practical Master Class will give you the opportunity to receive
case-specific advice on the issues arising in your own procurement from our
experts and from other participants
Competitive Dialogue and Negotiated Procedures Master Class (18-19 November 2021)
Introductory and Practitioner's Seminar: European Public Procurement Rules, Policy and Practice (4-7 May 2021)
Knowledge Management in Public Sector Organisations: The Do's and Don’ts (22-23 February 2022)
Recent Developments in European Public Procurement and Case Law (17-18 June 2021)
This online seminar will provide you with an update on the legal issues in
European public procurement. Legal experts and practitioners will explain
in an accessible manner the recent legal developments and recent case law
in the field of European public procurement.