Audit and Anti-fraud Measures in ESI Funds and NextGeneration EU 2021-2027 – Arachne
How could we ensure effective and efficient control systems at the national level for the Recovery and Resilience Facility (RRF)? What are the audit rules for RRF and ESI Funds in the 2021-2027 programming period? What are the new fraud risks and how to combat them? How to apply effectively Arachne in the management verifications of MA? This highly practical two days and a half course/ workshop will provide you with replies to all above mentioned questions and more.   The unique feature of the course is the combined experience of experts from the European Commission, the European Anti-Fraud Office (OLAF) and the European Court of Auditors.
Financial Management of EU Structural and Cohesion Funds: Moving From 2014-2020 to 2021-2027
_How do the new Structural Funds Regulations change Financial Management and Audit rules for 2021-2027? __What are the __key live issues for Financial Management and Audit of Operational Programmes as we conclude the 2014-2020 period and how are these likely to evolve in the new period?_ This course will address these questions and take a close look at the programme, financial and reporting templates for the new programmes. There will be a special focus on extending the use of simplified cost options, the most frequent audit issues (eg. eligibility of expenditure, public procurement) and on the role of strategic procurement.
Internal, External and Performance Audit of the EU-Funded Programmes and Projects: 2021–2027
The RRF Regulation and the Audit & Control Arrangements
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