Informazioni sul corso

Competitive dialogue and negotiated procedures are difficult to implement effectively but are essential for complex infrastructure and ICT projects and to modernise public services in the current fiscal climate. In the 2014 Public Procurement Directives Competitive Dialogue and the new Competitive Procedure with Negotiation are easier to justify than in the former directives and thus are more readily available for use. The rules for the two procedures are different and the procedural rules for the Competitive Procedure with Negotiation are more detailed than the former rules of procedures including negotiation. Competitive Dialogue was also been introduced as an available procedure in the utilities sectors in Directive 2014/25/EU.

This very practical Master Class will give you the opportunity to receive case-specific advice on the issues arising in your own procurement from our experts and from other participants.


Data di inizio: 18/11/22
Data di fine: 18/05/23

File del corso

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